Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fifth page!

            Elaine and Jasmine skipped off to the spare room and started unpacking Elaine’s things. Of course everybody else helped too.
            They finally finished setting up Elaine’s belongings when the doorbell rang.
            “I’ll get it.” Mrs. Berpeck yelled as she walked to the door.
            “Hello. I heard you have a new addition to the family. Is that true?” A sweet woman asked.
            “Hello, why yes this is Elaine.” Mrs. Berpeck said as the family walked up to see who was at the door. “Elaine, this is Miss. Tuffman. She’s a very sweet woman you lives down the block.”
            “Hello, nice to meet you.” Elaine said with a smile.
            “Nice to meet you too! Wow! Such an intelligent young lady!” Miss. Tuffman said with a smile.
            “Come on in Miss. Tuffman.”
            “Thank you! Don’t mind if I do!” Miss. Berpeck had light brown hair that hung a little bit above her shoulder. Her eyes were sapphire blue with a little twinkle. Her lips were a deep red with a shine to them when she smiled. Her teeth were almost as white as snow. She wasn’t too large and not too thin. But, most of all she was kind. She was a sweet woman who seemed to be in her late thirties. Elaine loved her already.
            “Some women from relief society were wondering if they could bring a meal over for you tomorrow.”
            “Well that sounds wonderful but, tomorrow we’re celebrating Christmas since Bill was gone helping Elaine. So I’m actually cooking tomorrow. Perhaps another day?”
            “Another day is perfect! Oh and by the way,” She said as she opened the door. “Merry Christmas!” She gave the family one more of those smiles and shut the door behind her.

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